Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Baby Addy, you are six months tomorrow! I have been looking back at the pictures of her from the hospital, and it seems you are a complete new person from that small sweet bundle!

We know reveal in your skills of rolling over and watching you eat with a spoon! AS you continue to get stronger by pushing up, I know soon you will become the mobile active little one you are meant to be, but I can already see why Mommy's miss the little snuggle bugs! We still get snuggle time, but you are far to interested in everything to snuggle for long! I am so proud of how you and Daddy have bonded and how well he takes care of you during the day while Momma has to work. I can't wait for Christmas with you! I know you are still little, but the tree lights make your eyes sparkle and you love sitting in front of the tree in your exersaucer. I also like singing you Christmas carols! I can't wait to see what you will do with a wrapped present!

This week your new favorite thing to do is spit your tongue out and blow raspberries. Each time you do it, Daddy cracks up! You keep surprising us with the little changes in your personality! You are quite the little ham anymore, doing anything to make us laugh or to make you laugh! Even Lady enjoys in the play time! You really have light up our lives, my sweet little girl!

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