Sunday, February 28, 2010

Well little one you are now 25 weeks old! You love moving around and kicking whenever Mommy sits down or lays down, sometimes keeping her awake! No matter, I love feeling you move around in there!

You also love when I eat cantaloupe. Each time I do, it seems like you have a little party with dancing and singing :) The only food that seems to effect us adversely are green peppers. (Mommy had a few in a cal zone she made and regretted it due to the heartburn... it was the worst heartburn I have ever had!) All in all, you seem to like any fruit and like Daddy, you like peanut butter chocolate anything:)

15 weeks until your debut! We can't not wait to see your tiny face and hold you in our arms. You really are a little miracle. Daddy and I look forward to each Tuesday when you become a week older and we read the updates of how you are developing together before we go to bed.

I think we have chosen your crib this week, and even had contacted someone to watch you when Mommy has to go back to work :(

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