Tuesday, July 13, 2010

This year we went back to Ocean Isle Beach in North Carolina. It was Addy’s first trip, and she crossed 3 states to get to the beach and she was only 3 weeks old. We rode with Neena and Papa’s with Auntie Erin so that we could share some of the driving time with Papa. Addy was pretty good the whole trip, but got sick of sitting in her seat after several hours.

While Addy was not supposed to be out in the heat, we were able to take her to the beach several times in the evening and once in the morning. We liked showing her the ocean and beach where we will have fun adventures in the next few years. It was a bit limiting because I could not swim and was nursing Addy, or pumping every couple of hours, but being with the family was worth it. Everyone seemed to want to snuggle and hold our little Addybug. She spent many days without being put down most of the day. To say the least, she was spoiled and happily so!

Sunday was the Fourth of July. There was a parade at 1pm, but Addy slept right through it! There were no organized fireworks displays, but Auntie Erin brought sparklers for Nate, and Addy got a chance to have a few pictures taken with them! There were also fireworks going off all over the island, which were beautiful. It was the best 4th of July I can remember holding my little sparkler in my arms and watching all the beautiful fireworks lighting up the sky.

On Tuesday, I woke up and thought the pink eye that I had had the week before was back. My eyes were very sensitive to the light and watered like crazy. We decided it would be a good day to take a trip to Calabash to go to the little shops where the Christmas shop was. We were able to pick out Addy’s first ornament and a family one for our tree. On the way back we stopped at a little restaurant named the Dawg House for some great hotdogs and sweet tea.

On the third day, Jason finally took some time to take a dip in the pool. It was the first time this week, because he felt bad I could not swim. Playing with Auntie Erin lead to a plunger squirt gun incident, Auntie Erin shot the gun at me while standing on the balcony and hit me right in the face. To retaliate Jason bent down to grab a gun himself and pulled a muscle in his back. It hurt him so much we had to make a trip to the ER. The rest of the week, he struggled to move and snuggle his baby. He said, “Addy’s first, but Daddy’s worst.”

It was not like any other vacation, but we kept talking about all the wonderful adventures we will have at the beach beginning next year!

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